“Digital Excavation” course (MOOC)
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Introduction to the course:
The DELTA course entitled “Digital Excavation” is an online course, open to all and delivered through the MOOC platform.
The DELTA course is structured in 4 main Modules:
- M1. Digital Tools for Archaeological Practice/Excavation;
- M2. Documentation in situ and after excavation;
- M3. Digital Preservation of cultural heritage monuments and artifacts (3D representation and
- M4. Open-Air Museums and Experimental Archaeology (presentation and interpretation of research results and knowledge to wide public).
The course “Digital Excavation” offers an advanced training for the students of Archaeology as well as Archaeologists and Professionals in Culture Heritage in order to acquire essential knowledge, digital competences and 21st century skills. In this regard, the learners shall develop knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Knowing and applying digital strategies and tools for archaeological work and excavation;
- Planning a fieldwork using available online data sources;
- Learning about digital documentation;
- Applying digital tools for documenting archaeological data;
- Adopting databases and GIS for the analysis and interpretation of archaeological data;
- Enabling themselves in visualizing digital data;
- Knowing about the virtual technologies applied in the preservation of sites and monuments;
- Being familiar with policies and best practices in the context of Cultural Heritage and Public Archaeology;
- Community building, participating and interacting with peers in an online environment.
Who is this course for?
The DELTA Online course addresses:
- Students of
the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment, Cultural Heritage (DiCEM) of the University of Basilicata (Italy), Department of Archaeology and Museology of the Masaryk University (Czech Republic).
- Students at other Universities.
- Graduates who wish to advance their knowledge and be competent in the field of Digital Excavation.
- Active professionals of the relevant fields of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management.
What will you achieve?
The course addresses the needs of students or graduates as well as professionals who want to know more and build up their digital and soft skills as well as their transferable and digital competences towards Digital Excavation, Digital Documentation, 3D modeling and VR techniques in preservation of archaeological sites, Public Archaeology.
Structure of the course:
- Learners will need - approximately - 10 hours of learning per week, for each Unit of the 4 Modules in this course.
- The programme offers training on 4 modules.
- Digital training material will be available online and you will be able to join a community of peers by participating in open discussions and active interaction through a forum.
- Within the DELTA fora, learners and tutors will be able to discuss topics and relevant issues regarding Digital Excavation, Archaeology and digital technologies, Cultural Heritage, Open – air Museums, Public Archaeology.
- The course is provided free of charge.
How to earn the Certificate of DELTA course?
Upon completion of the course and succeeding in at least the 80% of both learning material and of graded activities (quizzes and tests), learners will be able to achieve the Certificate of Completion. The Online Course includes self-assessment with quizzes (closed –end questions).
Open badges will be awarded to learners after the successful completion of each Module.
ECTS Credits
The DELTA Online course offers 4 ECTS.
This course was developed by:
Hellenic Open University,
DAISSy research group
Department of History and Archaeology
University of Athens
Post-graduate School of Archaeology - DiCEM
University of Basilicata
Department of Archaeology and Museology
Masaryk University
Czech Republic
in the framework of the European Erasmus Plus project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this platform does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the website lies entirely with the author(s).
Project No: 2019-1-EL01-KA203-062875
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